

SAC (Customer Service) allows you to implement an omnichannel strategy that serves customers online, multi-device and multi-social network, allowing them to buy or receive attention, anytime, anywhere.Within this strategy, measurement processes must be incorporated with Service Level Agreements or SLAs for their initials both to answer their first interaction or how to solve their requirement, SLAs can be categorized by the type of service, with specific times .With the measurement, managers and supervisors will be able to take actions to improve attention times, control a service that is causing poor attention or check if any of their collaborators are not performing an attention in a timely manner.The attention will be homogeneous regardless of the contact channel (Whatsapp, Messenger, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, SMS, Telegram, email among others) we will focus mainly on the types of service their SLAs and the attention agents.Another factor within the strategy is the allocation of requirements (messages or chats), which can be automatically according to the business rules of the company, or it can be a self-assignment, that is, each agent takes the agreement requirements to the order of arrival.The other differentiator of our strategy is to process the messages with a robot that will be trained only once, and that can interact with customers regardless of their favorite contact channel or social network.Once the SAC module has been implemented, it represents an opportunity to surprise our client and exceed their expectations, to ensure a long-term relationship.